What is the slip tool in Premiere Pro? What is the slide tool in Premiere Pro? This post offered by the movie maker - MiniTool MovieMaker will guide you through both tools and how to use them.

Part 1: Premiere Pro Slip Tool

What Does the Slip Tool Do in Premiere Pro?

The slip tool’s purpose is to allow you to adjust the In and Out points of one clip in the timeline simultaneously. You can make such an adjustment while keeping the time between the points constant.

For instance, take a 10s clip you trimmed down to 5s in the timeline. You can now decide which 5s of the clip will appear in the timeline. You can use the slip tool to achieve this.

Maybe you’re trying to finish a motion, like a character entering and exiting the frame. Or you’re trying to fit the action into another shot. Creating such adjustments is easy with the tool.

How to Use the Slip Tool in Premiere Pro?

If you wish to adjust the starting and ending frames of one clip without changing its duration, you can use the slip tool in Premiere Pro. It will change the In and Out points of the clip forward or backward by the same number of frames with one action.

To start the process, select the Premiere Pro slip tool and then place your pointer on the clip or clips you wish to adjust. Drag the clips left if you would like to move the In and Out points later in the clip and a shift rightward will move the In and Out points earlier in the clip.

The software will update the source of the clip’s In and Out points, displaying the result on the monitor while keeping the clip’s duration.

Besides, you can use shortcuts to easily slip video clips. Press Alt+Shift+Left to slip the video left a frame and Alt+Shift+Right to slip the video right a frame on Windows.

How to Split & Trim a Clip in Premiere Pro | Step-By-Step Guide
How to Split & Trim a Clip in Premiere Pro | Step-By-Step Guide

How to split a clip in Premiere Pro? How to cut clips in Premiere Pro? How to trim video in Premiere Pro? Here’s a step-by-step guide .

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MiniTool MovieMaker is also a wonderful video editing program that allows you to split, trim, crop, mirror, rotate, and reverse the clip(s) on the timeline. Give it a try!

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Part 2: Premiere Pro Slide Tool

What Does the Slide Tool Do in Premiere Pro?

If you have a clip in a video and wish to show it earlier or later in the sequence, you can take advantage of the slip tool to do this. The Slide Edit in Premiere Pro will give you the ability to slide the clip up/down the timeline of the footage, which allows for a quite simple adjustment.

Say you have three clips and would like to slide the one in the middle. With the other two clips accordingly adjusting, you’d take the clip in the middle and slide it up/down.

The tool makes sure that your target clip’s duration is always the same, while the other clips’ durations are accordingly adjusted. Based on the adjustment, one clip’s duration may be increased, whereas another’s is decreased.

How to Use the Slide Tool in Premiere Pro?

If you wish to edit a slide, you’re trying to move the clip in time, and any nearby clips are trimmed to make sure the shift is a smooth one.

Say you have a series of footage and would like to move some of it forward/backward. You would just choose the clips and then slide them to the left if you wish to move them to the front. To the right if you wish to move them further forward within the clip.

Select the slide tool, place the mouse pointer on the clip you wish to shift, and then drag it left, so it’s before the desired clips in the sequence. When the mouse shifts and the process is finished, the software will finish any adjustments to the other clips which are a portion of the sequence.

Also, you can use shortcuts to slide the footage. Press Alt+, to slide left a frame and Alt+. to slide right a frame on Windows.

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How to Merge Clips in Premiere [Step-by-Step Guidance]

Do you need to combine several clips into one? How to merge clips in Premiere? Why can’t I merge clips in Premiere Pro? Just look here!

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Now that you understand how to use the slip and slide tools in Premiere Pro, you will find it much easier to make changes to your footage. This means that changing the In and Out points of a clip on the timeline or adjusting the position of the clip will be a much easier process.

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