In modern society, countries around the world interact and trade with each other more frequently. In the process, cultural exchanges have emerged. One will find that the Eastern world and the Western world are very different in some aspects. Today, we will provide you with ways to create such videos. The free video editor – MiniTool MovieMaker is the best choice for you.

Before making a video we need to understand what are the cultural differences and what are the cultural differences between East and West? Let’s dive right in.

What Are Cultural Differences?

Cultural differences refer to the various beliefs, behaviors, languages, customs, and expressions that are unique to members of a particular ethnic group, race, or nationality. Culture largely defines who we are. It influences the way you think about your parents, your country, your friends, and importantly, yourself.

To truly understand yourself and then understand others, you need to know how you have been shaped by the culture you grew up in.

Why There Are Differences?

The differences between Eastern and Western cultures are very significant, as they have different cultural systems. The cultural systems of the East are mainly from China and India, and both cultures are shaped by their respective mother rivers. They have developed their unique styles over thousands of years.

In China, during the Tang Dynasty, Chinese culture was gradually introduced to Japan and combined with the native Japanese society, thus forming Japanese culture. Although somewhat different, it still belongs to the Eastern cultural system.

Western culture, on the other hand, is based on the Mississippi plain, which later gradually developed into the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. These two cultures, in turn, were the basis of European culture. Later, as British colonists settled in America, their cultures intermingled so that American culture resembled European culture.

In addition, the two different language systems exacerbated the differences between them. Eastern languages were attributed to the pictographic language, while Western languages were based on Latin. Eastern and Western cultures developed separately, thus creating two distinctive cultures that knew to communicate only in recent centuries.

What Are The Cultural Differences Between East and West?

YouTube provides us with the opportunity to be exposed to different cultures around the world. We will list some aspects to show the cultural differences between East and West.

By the way, if you want to watch cultural differences videos or cultural differences movies on YouTube offline, you can download this application.

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The eastern world refers to nations in Asia and the Middle East. The western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

Individualism and Collectivism

In Western culture, people believe in individualism. They focus on autonomy and independent thinking and prioritize individual interests and goals over the welfare of the group. Individual attitudes and needs are important determinants of behavior. The relationship between their family members is loose. Core family members include only parents and children.

Eastern cultures believe in collectivism. They focus on social interdependence and collective harmony. Behavior is determined by relational ties and obligations. Group goals take precedence over individual goals.


The education system is one aspect of Western culture that is different from Eastern culture. Firstly, Western systems of education focus on creative thoughts. Of course, being a system implies a lot of things are bound, but generally it does its utmost to elevate individual approaches to dealing with unique students.

On the other side, in Eastern education, it’s all about hard work and fighting. Nothing is difficult if you work hard. Therefore, kids are provided a lot of homework and taught to buckle down. That’s why most Asian learners, when they join the more informal Western academic organizations, are academically better performers than their colleagues.

Western education is moving on and facilitating a more interactive teaching process where learners are encouraged to engage actively. They are encouraged to ask questions and critically think, inquire and participate in fruitful debates with their teachers.

Students in the East are the beneficiaries, they submit to the authority of the teachers and the method itself is much less interactive.

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In Eastern societies, the family plays an extremely important role. Children don’t need to leave the family home. Family members take care of their elders. The importance attached to the family is so high that some married couples do not move out of the family home. Elders are respected and have a high status in Eastern families, and descendants defer to their elders in all aspects of life.

You can often find several generations living under the same roof. However, this also means that the individuals living in the family may have to make compromises.

In the West, children move out of the family home when they reach a certain age, which is a sign of independence. Once children are independent, they make decisions for themselves, and both parents and children are independent of each other. And the newlyweds usually live together until they are married. People do not consider caring for the elderly as a family responsibility.

Social Media

Social media is a global phenomenon. It is used around the world to communicate with people and for breaking news and entertainment. However, social media varies from country to country. Various social, cultural, and even political norms shape their uniqueness in each country.

Due to limited access to certain Western websites, Chinese people do not often use the most popular Western online platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Therefore, the market is dominated by domestic social media, such as WeChat, Weibo, QQ, TikTok, etc.

These apps have similar functions to some American apps. So, usually, WeChat is considered the Chinese version of Whatsapp, and Weibo is called the Chinese version of Twitter.

Each of those social media has its unique features, all of which are very interesting, and you can try them out according to your needs.

Also Read:YouTube Shorts vs. TikTok: Similarities and Differences

How to Make a Video on Cultural Differences?

Before the following steps, you need to download and install the MiniTool MovieMaker.

If you need to give a speech or make a presentation about cultural differences, you can make a cultural differences video with MiniTool MovieMaker. It can create videos that can astonish your audience.

MiniTool MovieMaker is an excellent app to make no matter what kind of videos you want to have. It is the best choice for beginners. MiniTool MovieMaker has rich features and resources to inspire your creativity on videos. Meanwhile, it allows you to use the template to create a video. You can export a video up to 1080P without watermark.  

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1. Double-click the MiniTool MovieMaker, then come to its main interface.

2. Select your material by clicking the Import Media Files button on the left panel under the Media tab.


You’d best choose some comparative pictures or videos to show cultural differences.

3. Click the + icon at the bottom right corner of your target material to add it to the timeline. Or, press the Ctrl key and click on all your target materials, then click the + icon.

4. You can add Transition, Effect, Text, Motion, and Elements at the top of the main interface to optimize your video.

5. Click the scissor icon in the track toolbar to trim or split your clips. Click the speed icon to adjust the speed of your clips.

6. Click the picture or video. You can do some editions on some parameters like Contrast, Saturation, Brightness, 3D LUT, etc. in the Image Property or Video Property section in the right panel.

7. After completing all settings, click the Export option at the top-right corner of the Player section to export your video.

the steps of making a video

MiniTool MovieMaker is an easy-to-operate and free video editor, which not only supports various features including the basic and advanced edit settings but also supports a host of output formats.

The MiniTool MovieMaker supports exporting in MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, F4V, MKV, TS, 3GP, MPEG-2, WEBM, GIF, and MP3 formats to your PC.

MiniTool MovieMaker also allows you to export video to devices including iPhone, Apple TV, iPad, Smartphone, Nexus, Xbox One, Galaxy Note 9, PS4, and Sony TV.

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How to Make a Documentary to Explore Deeper Stories?

Have you ever thought of making a documentary? Can anyone make a documentary? How to make a documentary? We will walk you through the basic stages in this post.

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Cultural Differences Movies

There are several movies about cultural differences or documentaries showing cultural differences. You can get some information about cultural differences from these films.

The Joy luck Club (1993)

The story is about the conflict between four Chinese American mothers and daughters, which reflects the conflict and difference between Chinese and Western cultures in communication. The conflicts between these four pairs of mothers and daughters are finally resolved, which also implies that even though there are many obstacles and conflicts in the process of cultural integration between China and the West, through the practice of cross-cultural awareness, they will eventually integrate, tolerate each other and dissolve each other.

Daughter from Danang (2002)

Daughter from Da Nang is a documentary that tells the story of Heidi Bub, an American who met her biological family in Da Nang decades after being brought to the United States during Operation Babylift at the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. However, in the process of their reunion, numerous cultural conflicts happen between them, resulting in an irreversible tragedy.

The Last Samurai (2003)

Set in the 1870s, when Japan was undergoing the Meiji Restoration, Tom Cruise plays an American veteran hired by the Japanese government to eliminate samurais who opposed the Restoration. But, different ideas due to cultural differences emerged between the American veteran and the Japanese samurai leader (played by Ken Watanabe), then the story unfolds.


In the 21st century, through social media, the world has become so small that we are now all interdependent. What happens in one part of the world affects other parts. It’s nice to show the cultural differences by video. And it’s easy to make a video with the MiniTool MovieMaker.

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