What key is this song? How many BPM is a song? How to rip music from a video? To solve these questions, this post offers you 5 best song key finders to find the key and calculate BPM of a song and teaches you the best way to extract music from a video by using MiniTool MovieMaker developed by MiniTool.

A key signature is a set of symbols that indicates what key a song is in. To figure out the key of a song, you can find the key by ear or using a song key finder. Most song key finders can help you detect the song as well as calculate bpm.

Here are the top 5 music key finders.

#1. Tunebat

It’s a web-based song key & BPM finder that can find key and BPM of any popular song. You can directly upload the song from the computer. Or simply enter a song name in the search bar to find the song you want to know its key.

After going to the detail page of the song, you can see all information about it such as Key, BPM, Camelot, Duration, Popularity, Loudness, Happiness, Danceability, Energy, etc. Moreover, this song key finder allows you to play music using the Spotify Play Button.


Related article: Top 4 Spotify Downloader to Download Spotify Songs.

#2. Audiokeychain

This free song key finder can quickly find the key of music and count BPM. It only supports MP3 and WAV files and the file size of each track is no more than 15 MB.

If your song is in another audio format and you don’t want to convert the audio format. There is another option – try the built-in music library. The music library holds thousands of tracks, you can find what you want by entering the song name or artist name.

Who Sings This Song – Here’re Top 9 Song Finders
Who Sings This Song – Here’re Top 9 Song Finders

Who sings this song? Want to know the name of the song? This post lists the top 9 song finders you must have. Read this post and have a try.

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#3. KeyFinder

KeyFinder is a free and open-source key estimation tool. Unlike other song key finders, it has no music library management and media player. It just a key detection tool that detects the song key and shows the metadata of a song.

If you feel the music volume is too low, see this post to make music louder: How to Make MP3 Louder for Free? Top 3 Ways.

#4. Mixxx

Mixxx is the excellent music key finder software for DJ. It’s compatible with all operating systems and supports the most common audio formats including MP3, AIFF, and FLAC. In addition to detecting the key of a song, it also shows how many BPM a song is and displays other metadata information like Artist, Album, Duration, Bitrate, etc.

#5. Rapid Evolution

Similar to other song key finders, Rapid Evolution can detect Key, BPM, and Beat Intensity.

It supports the following audio formats: MP3, OGG, WAV, FLAC, MPC, etc. Additionally, it enables you to save and share the information of the song you detected.

How to Rip Music from Video

If you want to find the key of a music video, you need to extract music from video first. Here recommend MiniTool MovieMaker.

Here’s how:

Step 1. Download and install MiniTool MovieMaker.

MiniTool MovieMakerClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

Step 2. Launch it to get the main interface by closing the pop-up window and then import the music video from local.

Step 3. Drag and drop the video file to the timeline.

Step 4. Click on Export in the menu bar to open the Export window.

Step 5. Select the MP3 option in the Format box and hit the Export button to rip music from the video.


All in all, the above-mentioned song key finders have their strengths. Now, choose your favorite one to find what key a song is in.

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