GIF can be found on all popular social networks. Sometimes, it may take a long time to upload a GIF to Twitter or other social platforms due to its large file size. To solve this, here offer you 3 best GIF compressors and show you how they work. If you need to make a GIF from video, MiniTool MovieMaker is highly recommended here. is widely regarded as the best online GIF editor and GIF maker. It’s packed with many useful GIF editing features, such as compress GIF, crop GIF, resize GIF, add text to GIF, split GIF, reverse GIF, rotate GIF, change the speed of GIF and so on. More than that, it can be used to convert GIF to MP4 or other image formats like WebP, PNG and JPG, and make sprite sheet from GIF.

Let’s see how to compress GIF online with

Step 1. Run Google Chrome and type in the address bar to open the website.

Step 2. After accessing the website, choose GIF Optimizer to go on.

Step 3. Then upload the target GIF from your computer, or paste the image URL to load the GIF. Click on Upload.

Step 4. After loading the GIF, click the Optimize GIF to reduce the GIF file size.

Step 5. In the end, download the compressed GIF from the internet.

Recommend article: 2 Best Ways to Convert GIF to Sprite Sheet (100% Work)


FreeConvert is a great file conversion tool that supports converting image, video and audio. Also, it includes with a set of tools including GIF compressor, PDF compressor, video trimmer, video cropper and more.

To make GIF smaller, it offers various compression choices such as adjust compression level, drop frames, reduce colors, replace duplicate color pixels with transparency. This GIF compressor is web-based and enables you to upload GIF from local, Dropbox, Google Drive and URL.

Here’s how to compress GIF with best online GIF compressor – FreeConvert.

Step 1. Go to the FreeConvert website and scroll down the page to find the GIF COMPRESSOR option in the TOOLS tab.

Step 2. Press GIF COMPRESSOR to launch the GIF compressor tool and import the GIF you want to compress.

Step 3. In the Advanced Settings section, you can adjust the compression level, drop frames, or reduce colors according your needs.

Step 4. Tap Compress GIF Now to start the compression.

Step 5. After a while, you will get the compression result and then download the compressed GIF to your computer.

compress GIF online

You may also like: Make GIF Transparent – 2 Online Transparent GIF Makers


If you are looking for an online GIF compressor, iLoveIMG is an ideal choice for you. It’s free and powerful, which offers lots of helpful tools like photo editor, image cropper, image resizer, meme generator, and image rotator. It lets you compress GIF online with the best quality and supports uploading GIF from your devices and cloud services.

It’s very easy to use. With iLoveIMG, only in 3 steps, you can compress GIF successfully.

Step 1. Open the iLoveIMG website.

Step 2. Click on Compress IMAGE and upload the target GIF.

Step 3. Tap on Compress IMAGES to compress the GIF. When the compression is over, the compressed GIF will be downloaded from the internet automatically.

Related article: How to Make GIF Smaller or Reduce GIF Size.


This post talks about how to compress GIF with 3 best GIF compressors. Give it a try!

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